[−][src]Crate jss
JSS Rust
Implementation of JSS for Rust. Use css styles without css with identical properties. Part of Rise-UI project.
Add to your Cargo.toml.
jss = { git = "https://github.com/rise-ui/jss-rs" }
extern crate jss;
Simple JSON element parsing example
extern crate failure; extern crate jss; use jss::traits::*; use jss::types::*; fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> { let source = r#" { "borderTopRightRadius": 10, "borderTopStyle": "solid", "alignContent": "center", "borderTopWidth": 10, "filter": [ "blur(20)" ], "transform": [ "translate(10px,10%)", "rotate(40deg,15rad)" ] } "#; let style = StyleBuilder::default().source(source).parse()?; println!("{:#?}", style); Ok(()) }
Or if you need YAML...
extern crate failure; extern crate jss; use jss::traits::*; use jss::types::*; fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> { let source = r#" --- borderTopRightRadius: 10 borderTopStyle: solid alignContent: center borderTopWidth: 10 filter: - blur(20) transform: - translate(10px,10%) - rotate(40deg,15rad) "#; let style = StyleBuilder::default().source(source).source_type(SourceFormat::Yaml).parse()?; println!("{:#?}", style); Ok(()) }
animation |
Animations module for create simple tick based animations for one or more properties |
parser | |
properties | |
traits | |
types |
All common functional types |
utils |
Various utils |